Modelling the impact of covid on waiting lists for planned care
Elective / planned care, Better use of analysis and decision making, System thinking and system working
July 2020

Working with the national collaboration to coordinate covid-related analysis, and the NHSE/I Midlands region, the Strategy Unit has produced a ‘systems dynamics’ model of waiting lists for planned care. The model is freely available for non-commercial use across the NHS. Here, Steven Wyatt and Mike Woodall explain what we did and how we did it.

Primary and Community Qualitative Insights
Primary, community and social care services
July 2020

The COVID-19 response required rapid change and innovation across health and care. As part of a wider package of evaluation support, from April to June, the Strategy Unit led some qualitative work (training and supporting CCG staff to conduct interviews) across an STP to capture learning from primary care (primarily PCN clinical leads) and community nursing leads about their experiences. The interviews explored the rapid move to total triage, video and online team communications, changes to day-to-day practices, working with care homes and their views on the backlog and unmet need.

Midlands Population Health Management Academy
Better use of analysis and decision making, System thinking and system working
March 2020

The Midlands Population Health Management Academy was part of a programme of support, commissioned by NHS England and NHS Improvement (Midlands) working in partnership with the Local Government Association and Public Health England.

The Programme ran from March 2019 to March 2020. It was designed to help Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships and Integrated Care Systems embed population health management (PHM) practices.

How will we know if Integrated Care Systems reduce demand for urgent care?
Urgent and emergency care, Better use of analysis and decision making, System thinking and system working
January 2020

The implications of a blended payment system are far reaching: Decisions about planned activity levels will determine the total funding envelope for urgent care within a system and will influence the behaviour of healthcare providers and the services they deliver to patients.

Waiting Times and Attendance Durations at English A&E Departments
Urgent and emergency care, System thinking and system working
February 2019

In March 2019, NHS England is expected to report the outcome of its review of constitutional waiting times targets. This report reviews the factors that have led to the decline in performance against one of these targets - the 4-hour target for Accident and Emergency Departments. The analysis uncovers new insights and has the potential to reshape received wisdom about the performance of A&E departments, carrying important implications for healthcare policy and system leadership.