Understand the benefits and uses of Quarto through the Terminal and the package {quarto}
Quarto was released in 2022 as the next generation for RMarkdown for everyone as it can be used equally by R users as well as Python which renders plain text formats (quarto .qmd, RMarkdown .rmd, markdown .md) or mixed formats (.ipynb/Jupyter notebook) into static PDF/Word/HTML reports, books, websites, presentations and more.
Learning outcomes
- Understand the benefits and uses of Quarto through the Terminal and the package {quarto}
Your training will be led by:
Leading in collaboration |
System thinking, system doing |
Seeing (and feeling) your organisation in new ways |
Working with challenge and conflict |
Better analytics Introduction to R and RStudio Introduction to Git and GitHub Introduction to Quarto -
Working together effectively Leading in collaboration System thinking, system doing Seeing (and feeling) your organisation in new ways Working with challenge and conflict
Our training and development offer is flexible and can be adapted to meet your needs.
For further information, please contact: Rachel Caswell
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