The Strategy Unit works on complex challenges. We add value where clear thinking, applied analysis and high quality decision making is needed. Our services span the innovation and improvement cycle. We help our customers to Diagnose, Develop and Deliver.
You need to...
And we help by...
Bringing clear thinking to complex challenges.
See an exampleShowing performance compared to benchmarks.
See an exampleUsing sophisticated analysis to address subtle problems.
See an exampleDescribing the needs of populations and places.
See an exampleCase study: Problem structuring
Our analysis challenged received wisdom about A&E performance and what causes long waiting times. It had important implications for healthcare policy and system leadership. Find out more: A&E Waiting Times.

Case study: Comparative analysis
Services get one chance to provide people with a ‘good death’. Our analysis helped services in the Midlands identify areas for improvement in supporting their populations at the end of life. Find out more: Healthcare use in the last two years of life.

Case study: Complex modelling
The pandemic led to a massive increase in waiting lists. Standard modelling approaches wouldn’t work, so we released a new open source, systems dynamics model to help services understand and address demand. Find out more: Modelling the impact of Covid-19 on waiting lists.

Case study: Population mapping
Our analysis used novel techniques to help Guy’s and St. Thomas’ charity design a programme to address health inequalities arising from poor local air quality. Find out more: Health impacts of poor air quality.
You need to...
And we help by...
Seeing where to go and how to get there.
See an exampleLearning from what is already known.
See an exampleSystematically assessing options to decide the best approach.
See an exampleStimulating creativity by imagining different futures.
See an exampleCase study: Strategy development
Economic shocks have health consequences. So we helped the Black Country and West Birmingham develop strategies to improve both health and local wealth during recovery from the pandemic. Find out more: Breaking the cycle of deprivation and ill health.

Case study: Evidence reviews
During the early stages of the pandemic, we provided rapid evidence reviews for senior NHS decision makers. Insights derived from emerging knowledge were then used to develop service responses. Find out more: Covid-19 Evidence Reviews.
Case study: Options appraisal
We provided a comprehensive appraisal of options for acute hospital reconfiguration in Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin. Our recommendations were unanimously approved, allowing this programme to move into public consultation. Find out more: Acute hospital reconfiguration - options appraisal.

Case study: Futures thinking
Using scenario planning, we helped the Black Country’s Local Workforce Action Board to think more creatively and openly in developing its future clinical workforce. Find out more: Scenarios for the clinical workforce.

You need to...
And we help by...
Inspiring and supporting others to achieve their potential.
See an exampleUnderstanding the difference that services make for their population.
See an exampleMaking best use of the resources available.
See an exampleCase study: Learning and development
Working across the Midlands, and in a ground-breaking initiative, we developed learning and development programmes – for leaders and analysts - to improve local decision making and the use of evidence. Find out more: Midlands 'Decision Support Centre'.
Case study: Evaluation and impact assessment
We produced a guide to help local services and analysts evaluate their work. It was recognised as the most comprehensive evaluation guide in the NHS. Find out more: Comprehensive Evaluation Guide.

Case study: Economic analysis
Our analysis, published in BMJ Open, examined the relationship between cuts in public funding of social care and emergency admissions. The results, which were counterintuitive, guided policy debate on this issue. Find out more: Analysis of social care spending and hospital admissions.
We never sell pre-packaged ‘solutions’. Our support is always tailored to the needs of the organisations, networks and systems we work with.
And we believe in creating public value. We always seek to share and learn from what we produce; sometimes we publish in peer reviewed journals.