Commissioned by NHS England, this report describes the state of electronic palliative care coordination systems in the West Midlands. It draws on a review of the literature, interviews with local NHS staff and responses to information requests.
As people approach the end of their lives, care arrangements often become complex requiring input from several organisations. Electronic palliative care coordination systems are designed to ensure that all those involved in a patient’s care have access to accurate and up-to date information about patients’ status and wishes.
Standards for electronic palliative care coordination systems (EPaCCS) were first set out in 2012. Successive audits have demonstrated that NHS organisations have struggled to achieve these standards, but commitment to the standards from clinicians and policy makers remains firm.
We hope this report will bridge the gap between the highly technical process of the designing and implementing modern information systems and the clinical and managerial imperative to support frontline staff to deliver joined-up care to patients.
Authors: Steven Wyatt, Paul Copeland, Priyantha Jayawardane and John Uttley
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